Monofilament vs Fluorocarbon: Which is Better?

It’s joyous coming from the water after a long day with a good catch. But your success highly depends on the fishing gear you carry with you. One of the fishing gears you need to have is a fishing line. But which fishing line should you use between monofilament and fluorocarbon? Well, the best answer to this is to understand that they both work well depending on the situation. One thing to note is that monofilament floats while fluorocarbon sinks.

43. Monofilament vs. Fluorocarbon

If you’re planning to go out for a fishing escapade, this article will help you settle for the best fishing line between monofilament and fluorocarbon..

Understanding Monofilament

The monofilament fishing line is the most popular one as many anglers prefer it. Its name is derived from its single strand, unlike the others, which have more than one stand. This line is preferred because of its strength, abrasive resistance, and stretchiness. However, monofilament is visible, giving you challenges when targeting suspicious fish.

Features Of Monofilament

Monofilament has unique features which make it stand out from the others. Here are the essential features to check out.

Thicker Diameter

Even though monofilament is a single-stranded fishing line, its diameter is thicker. This will help you sink the bait/lure at a slower speed. A thicker diameter also protects the line from damage as it hits rocks or logs on water.

Highly Stretchable

One particular property that sets this fishing line apart is it stretches better than fluorocarbon. It can stretch up to 25%,which is helpful when you set your hook too hard. It will, in this case, enable you to hold the fish without tearing its mouth as you pull it out of the water.

Remember, as the fish struggles to get its freedom after realizing it’s captured, it causes friction on the line. So, a stretchable line will also prevent the fish from unhooking when it gets stuck as you pull it out.

More Color Palette

It’s easier to get monofilament in different colors. You can have it in any preferred color depending on the water conditions, enabling you to catch your target easily. There is blue, clear, or green monofilament which increases the invisibility of the line in different water bodies.

Monofilament line


The monofilament is also flexible enough, making them easy to handle while in the water. You will not struggle to tie knots when using monofilament.

Better Sinking Rate

The monofilament fishing line will take a relatively long time to sink, attributed to the buoyancy of the nylon it’s made of. This makes it a good choice for topwater lures.


You will not spend much money buying monofilament as it’s cheaper than fluorocarbon. It best suits fishers who use more fishing lines in a single trip.

Disadvantages Of Monofilament

  • It has a low tensile strength
  • It’s prone to get spoilt when exposed to sunlight for long
  • The stretchiness makes it hard to set the hook or detect the hook

Fluorocarbon Expounded

A fluorocarbon fishing line consists of fluorine, carbon, and chlorine. It was initially the best for fishing in a salty water body, but that has changed as you can use it in freshwater too. The single-stranded fishing line has tightly packed molecules that make it thicker and heavy. This enables it to sink deeper in the water with ease than monofilament. But what makes it stand out is its invisibility which prevents fish from detecting it in the water.

Fluorocarbon line

Properties Of Fluorocarbon

Fluorocarbon has its advantages, a reason you should opt for it. They include;

High Sensitivity Level

A fishing line with a higher sensitivity level will allow you to know when the fish touches or bite it. It will also be easier to know when it’s stuck, which will help you better your fishing tricks.


A waterproof fishing line won’t absorb water which can extend its lifespan. Fluorocarbon is waterproof, something that improves its flexibility while on water and doesn’t affect its properties.

Highly Resistant to Abrasion

Fluorocarbon has a high abrasion resistance rate, making it a suitable fishing line in a rocky water body. It’s not likely to get damaged when it knocks the hard surfaces severely.

Good Tensile Strength

The tightly packed molecules on fluorocarbon make it have a good tensile capability. This allows you to fish bigger fish using the same size line without difficulties.


It’s not easy for fish to spot the fluorocarbon fishing line as it’s invisible.

Not Much Stretchy

Fluorocarbon is not as stretchy as monofilament. This makes it best for use when hooking on long casts.

Cons of Fluorocarbon

  • It takes less time to sink, preventing you from capturing fish on the upper surface. In this case, it’s not good for use with topwater lures.
  • It’s more expensive than the other type of fishing line
  • It’s stiffer, giving you difficulty tying the knots or managing it.
  • It has a low shock strength which can cause an aggressive fish to unhook when it hits a rock.

Difference Between Monofilament and Fluorocarbon

After looking at each fishing line’s properties, you can still have challenges settling for the best. But don’t worry we’ll help you narrow down to that. If you want the best fishing line, look at their differences.

The differences depend on;


You should also consider the strength of the fishing line you’re about to buy. A strong fishing line should have a higher abrasion resistance level. It should also be non-permeable to avoid water damaging it or affecting its properties. Additionally, it should be resistant to UV rays and be able to withstand extreme conditions.

 In this case, a fluorocarbon line wins as it’s got a thinner diameter and is made of stronger materials than monofilament. This prevents it from breaking easily. It’s also waterproof and UV resistant, which extends its lifespan. You can use it for fishing any time of the day without worrying about being affected by the weather, which is unpredictable on the water.


You also need to choose a material that knots easily and holds well. The fluorocarbon is much stiffer and will make it hard to make a knot. So, you need to be patient with it when tying the knots to stop breakage or spillage.

A monofilament will, in this case, create better knots than the fluorocarbon. It best works when targeting bigger fish that require bigger diameter lines.


You also need to consider the density of the fishing line you’re about to use. A denser fishing line will sink in the water faster, inconveniencing those targeting fish on the surface. A highly dense fishing line is good for targeting the bottom fishes. The fluorocarbon is denser, so go for it if you intend to fish deeper into the water. However, the monofilament will suspend on the water, making it a good choice for near-surface fishing.


If you want a better fishing line, consider a more invisible one. Fluorocarbon line is more invisible than monofilament. So, if you intend to catch fish without them being suspicious, opt for fluorocarbon.


A stretchable line will protect the fish from injuries and reduce the chances of getting stuck while pulling out. It’s best to use a fishing line with low stretching capabilities. It will reduce the shock level as the fish tries to free themselves and enable you to detect if your target is closer to the hook.

The fluorocarbon doesn’t stretch much as monofilament does, giving you a better chance to time your target and be successful by catching them.


A good fishing line should meet all your expectations and be within your budget limit. If you’re looking for a cheaper popular one with good features, consider the monofilament. But this doesn’t mean fluorocarbon is a bad choice as it has outstanding features. It’s only more expensive than the monofilament, and most anglers use its leader between the lure and the main line.

Uses Of Monofilament

Since monofilament and water have almost similar density, it best suits certain applications. The neutral-buoyant fishing line can be used for;

To Improve Visibility

Go for the monofilament fishing line if you want a clear view of how the line moves in the water. It comes in different colors, which is good when disentangling the line. Therefore, you will have an easy time knowing when the fish bites the line and help you improve your fishing tactics.

As A Shock Leader

The monofilament fishing line will act as the best shock leader as it stretches. If the line doesn’t stretch and absorb the shock, it won’t be easy to get hold of the fish. The stretchable line will absorb the shock and prevent the knot from disengaging as the fish struggles to unhook. It will further protect the fish from getting hurt as it tries to free itself from the hook.

Top Water Lures

The neutral buoyant monofilament will give you an easy time if used for topwater lures that need frequent pauses as you retrieve them. This is because it will prevent the lures from sinking hence not meeting your target.

As Good Line Backer

You can also use the monofilament line as a backer to reduce your overall fishing costs. Join both the fluorocarbon and monofilament on the same reel. For example, spool 50 yards of monofilament and 30 yards of fluorocarbon on the reel when you want an 80 yards long fishing line. You will have spent less but met your target.

Fluorocarbon Applications

You can use fluorocarbon on the water for different purposes as it’s more sensitive, invisible, and sinks better. Use it for;

For Good Presentation

Fluorocarbon will make your fishing trip more successful than the other type. This is despite using the same reel and rod combination. You will have more consistent bites, which shows you’re about to trap fish.

Deep Water Jigging

Using fluorocarbon, jigging in the deep water of around 10 to 30 feet will give you an easy time while fishing. Remember how you jig in deep water will differ from when in shallow waters. Fluorocarbon will enable you to jig in deep water without many challenges as it sinks faster.

In addition to that, the fluorocarbon line is much more sensitive, which improves the hook sets. So, you’ll be able to detect the faint bites with a fluorocarbon.

Fishing Spooky Fish

Fishing spooky fish proves to be difficult because they get scared easily and never eat everything. You will have challenges catching it when using a visible fishing line. However, fluorocarbon isn’t visible in the water, which will help you strike and spook them faster.


It’s always a challenge to get your crankbait deep into the water. But with a strong, denser fluorocarbon that takes less time to sink, you’ll have it easier. Your crankbait will reach its target depth, enabling you to get more catches within no time.

Monofilament vs. Fluorocarbon : Which is Better?

Knowing the best fishing line will majorly depend on your choice as each has its distinct features. If you want a denser, stronger, and invisible fishing line go for fluorocarbon. The monofilament is good if you’re looking for a cheap stretchable fishing line that’s easy to tie the knots for topwater surface use.

However, this largely depends on the type of fish you set out to catch, the fishing method, and the water body. For example, when fishing for carp fish which tends to be spooky, hide deep in murky areas, and use sigh to feed, it can be hard to settle for the best fishing line. In this case, you will need an invisible, stretchable, dense, and knot-able fishing line that seems impossible to get.

It’s advisable to see none of them as superior. Instead, use both of them while out fishing to help you handle different situations.

Bottom Line

A fishing line is one of the crucial components you should have in your fishing gear. You need the best fishing line to make your trip to the water a success. However, it’s never easy settling for the right fishing line which meets your expectations. You should compare both before settling for any to identify the one with outstanding features. If you had difficulties deciding on what to use between monofilament and fluorocarbon fishing lines, we hope this guide has been helpful. 

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